Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What was it like making our last video?

A) Hilarious!
B) Fun, Funny, Fun.
C) A good experience, made me laugh.
D) Humerous, lots of fun.

East Queer Connections most recent video making experience (Video Below) was one of our most fun, free, and creative sessions. Our video was inspired by the work in the previous videos from the North & West QC groups. We wanted to question one another about LGBTQ human rights, and whether things have really changed for LGBTQ community, but do it in a fun way--- using puppets that we made to represent ourselves and/or other people.

We wanted to know whether "It Gets Better." How does it get better? Who can we turn to? Are our rights being upheld? Are there still human rights issues that have not been addressed here in Canada? What about rights for Trans identified folks? What about the bullying, fear, and depression that so many LGBTQ youth are facing in their schools, in their homes, with peers, and in society? Why is the media focused on gay teen suicides, but fail to provide us with the necessary positive role models and equal representation in mainstream media?

We continue the conversation in our next video, as we plan to address LGBTQ depression, with the LGBTQ Super-Queer-o-Superhero Squad 'COMING OUT' to the rescue!!!

Stay tuned....

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