Video Dialogue Stream #3

Videos are posted in the order that they were created. All videos are in response to those before them in the stream.

Video #1
by QC North York
Posted: Oct. 24th, 2011
Description: This video is a combination of real and fiction characters and stories that explore videomaking techniques, performance and reveal the process of collaboration.

Response #1
by QC Scarborough
Posted: Oct. 31st, 2011

Response #2
by QC Etobicoke
Posted: Nov. 7th, 2011
Description: This video is about different types of stereotypes including blondes and ravers, stereotypes can have discriminatory effects. The way you dance, the way you dress and the way you talk can all lead to people stereotyping you. Our video also holds an aspect of "randomness" because we did not get the gist of the videos and this is what we came up with when we saw them. ENJOY !!! :)

Response #3
by QC North York
Posted: Nov. 14th, 2011

Response #4
by QC Etobicoke
Posted: Monday, Nov. 21st, 2011

Response #5
by QC Scarborough
Posted: Monday Nov. 28th, 2011

Description: Introducing SuperQueeros in Katy Perry's "Firework," which she has formally dedicated to LGBTQ youth. In this video, we witness an LGBTQ youth battling depression. A SuperQueero appears, and supports the young person on their journey to finding their own inner resources, and becoming a SuperQueero themself, fighting depression from within, and being true to who they are.

Final Word
by QC North York
Posted: Monday Dec. 5th, 2011

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