Video Dialogue Stream #1

Videos are posted in the order that they were created. All videos are in response to those before them in the stream.

Video #1
by QC Scarborough
Posted: Oct. 24th, 2011
Description: Introducing "Identity." Have you come face to face with your identity? Do you try to hide it or push it away? Do you become friends or enemies? What is going to hurt you more, accepting your identity or denying who you really are? Questions we explore in East Queer Connections Video 1.

Response #1
by QC Etobicoke
Posted: Oct. 31st, 2011

Response #2
by QC North York
Posted: Nov. 7th, 2011
Description: Inside Out is an autobiographical video in response to previous videos from the other community groups dealing with identity crisis. We thought it was important to emphasize who were are and the place we are at in our lives by looking at our coming out experiences. How much we've learnt from those emotionally charge experiences? We found useful to look at threes and they way they grow and evolve. The three is a symbolic element that represents growth, roots, early connections and family. Later on the three develops branches which can be seen as friends that you can hold on to and get support. However sometimes when you think the branches are strong, they might brake. Three leaves are seasonal like all the connections from people that come and go in your life for intense and short periods of time. The coming out experience never ends but what changes is the people around you. Therefore it's important to know where are you standing and what your roots are.

Response #3
by QC Scarborough
Posted: Nov 14th, 2011

Response #4
by QC North York
Posted: Monday Nov. 21st, 2011
Description: This week we responded to videos of coming out stories. They had very Intimate stories that were shared by the other groups. We were inspired to continue the conversation by asking the questions: what happens after one comes out? Where would you take your self next? This video is part exploration and part celebration of the various queer narratives and its different roles and dynamics. Be fierce!

Response #5
by QC Etobicoke
Posted: Monday Nov. 28th, 2011

Final Word
by QC Scarborough
Posted: Monday Dec. 5th, 2011

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